Course Settings and Advanced Settings

Site Managers may request changes to Advanced settings. These options may be set Department-wide and carry over between training years.

Enrollment options

Available upon approval
This will populate the Course Catalog feature for officers and show a "Request" button below each course in the Catalog.

With this option, the site manager must approve or deny each request individually.

Officer Self Enroll
This is the same as above, but instead of Request, the button says "Enroll" and after clicking, that course is instantly available in that officer's Active Courses.

This is the most common and easiest option for most departments.

Assessment options

Passing Percentage is typically 80%

Number of attempts on an assessment may be set by request

Email options

Email Certificate to Manager (after pass)
Email Certificate to Officer (after pass)
Email Manager if Officer Fails All Attempts (after fail)

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